Easter Sweetness

She was excited to find a shiny quarter in the golden egg.
She was excited to find a shiny quarter in the golden egg.

Easter was beautiful. The older kids really came together to make it special for Evangeline. Lenore decorated and stuffed plastic eggs. Alex and Raven stuffed eggs. Lenore hid them while the other two entertained the little one. It was an incredible morning.

After the egg hunt, we had a family brunch followed by the glitter-egg toss. The dog managed to eat a few of the tossed eggs, but that was fine.

It was a nice, quiet day.

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Evangeline is 3!

Taken this morning. Happy Birthday my beautiful girl!
Taken this morning. Happy Birthday my beautiful girl!

Evangeline Jade is now officially 3 yrs. old today. We have been working with her the past week on her age. She still thinks she’s 2, and will ague that point if anyone tries to tell her anything different. That will change.

Tonight we are having a small party for her at Chuck E Cheese. She has never been, so this should be fun. This won’t be anything extravagant: just some balloons, cupcakes, and immediate family.

This morning a box arrived from Grandma, and of course there were some lovely wrapped presents. She saw the wrapped packages and was mildly interested……But then she saw this super cool birdie whistle, and now everything pales in comparison

Look at this birdie whistle!
Look at this birdie whistle!


Birdie Whistle in action!
Birdie Whistle in action!


She could do this all day!
She could do this all day!


She found some birds in the yard, too.
She found some birds in the yard, too.

After running around the yard while blowing this thing nonstop, she was ready to come in. There was some protest regarding nap-time but it was pretty peaceful. Tonight will be fun. Below are some additional pictures of our girl on her special day.

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Spring Flowers



One of Lenore’s favorite things about living out here in the country is that she can get dirty on a regular basis. I don’t think I can count how many flowers, trees, pineapples, and weeds she has planted throughout the property. Some of it thrives (usually the weeds), and some dies off.

I don’t really think she cares about the end result. She really just likes to mess around with potting soil, clay pots and seeds. Her Easter baskets usually has a few packets of flower seeds among the chocolate eggs, and they are usually planted within that week.

Evangeline seems to take after Big Sister with the gardening…


The spent several hours in the yard together raking little pots of dirt with whatever seeds they found on the land. It was fun to watch Evangeline follow Lenore around. She was very interested in the process.

But I think the water was everyone’s favorite part of the planting:

Once there was plenty of mud to stomp in, it was time to start the process all over again. I’m not sure if anything will grow in these pot. Actually, I’m pretty sure nothing will grow. But the girls love it, and I love watching it them be little girls together.

It’s what they are supposed to do. 😉

Eruption Complete

Well not really complete. She has memorized the tab, and now she has to work on everything else. She plans to perform this for crowds by this summer, so there is some time to improve. Thanks to all who watched her progress on this one. 🙂

Green Eyed Cutie

Green eyes like no one in the family. Sure, Jon has a hazel green...but nothing like this.
Green eyes like no one in the family. Sure, Jon has a hazel green…but nothing like this.

In four short weeks, our beautiful little Evangeline will turn 3. Three!!! We cannot believe how fast time is going.

Every time we turn around, another facet of the personality shines through. This one likes to be the funniest person in the room at all times. She has a quick temper, but is easily the happiest child we have ever had. Everything is a song, a smile, a belly-laugh and it’s infectious. Her siblings adore her, and sometimes fight over who gets to play, cuddle, or read to her. She is loved and she knows it.

Her hair is longer than it appears because it curls up in back, and she is so tall we have to put her in 4t clothing for the length. Unfortunately people think she is older than she really is, so sometimes that leads to complications….But that’s not such a bad thing.

More than anything (with perhaps the exception of Hobbes) she loves the swings and random kids at the park: adults..not so much! But we’re working on it.

Posted below are some pictures taken yesterday. Enjoy! We always do.

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