Month: May 2014

Happy Memorial Day!

Sweet little lady on Memorial Day weekend.
Sweet little lady on Memorial Day weekend.


At 15 months, she has some baby curls growing in.
At 15 months, she has some baby curls growing in.


Happy Memorial Day!
Happy Memorial Day!

Just a brief update for family: Evangeline is now 15 months old. She loves balls, birds and fish. Right now she is going through a ‘clingy’ phase with Mom and Dad. We know it will pass, but right now she only has eyes for us. This does make it awkward in group settings with friends, but they understand. While she is currently uneasy around other adults, she LOVES kids!…All kid–big, small and babies. She will run right up to kids, and make small talk.

Some of her favorite toys these days are Hobbes The Tiger, her “Yummy/Yucky” book and Pink Blanket.

This Memorial weekend we will spend time with friends, and just take the time to enjoy each others company. We took our little one here on a few adventures, and loved every minute of it. We are so lucky to have this sweet angel in our lives.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day.

Growing Up In Style (Musically)

This is her first choice.
This is her first choice.

Our girl is moving up to a full-scale guitar. It’s a big deal, because she has been playing on her Squire Mini since she was 6. She still loves the Mini, but recognizes she has evolved beyond the tiny guitar. She’s growing up.

And what a way to grow! Because Lenore is using her own money for this purchase, my husband and I gave her a limit of $400. She’s nine years old…that’s not a bad price range for a kid. If she wants to upgrade in a few years, she can do so with our blessings (and her own money)–but we had to cap it.

Laying down the cash from her "Hello Kitty" wallet.
Laying down the cash from her “Hello Kitty” wallet.

I have to admit I love her choice. This is a 1960’s Vintage Modified Surf Stratocaster in Surf Green. It has Duncan Lipstick Pick-Ups and this funĀ Vintage Style Tremolo. It’s gorgeous and sounds great! We checked around some online forums to read reviews of this choice. The general consensus is this is a decent guitar for its price-points. That’s a relief.

Lenore played several guitars before settling on this one. There were some that were glittery red, and others were soft pink. She saw some that looked like they were owned by Big Hair Bands from the ’80’s. They were very cool! But in the end, she wanted a vintage 60’s vibe. I was surprised…but I like it.

Plugging into the big amps is always fun.
Plugging into the big amps is always fun.

There are already plans to swap out the plastic control knobs for something more interesting, and you can bet she wants a tiny 8 Ball topper for the end of the tremolo.

In the end, I’m just proud of her. Lenore worked like crazy for this, and she deserves it. Yeah….she’s growing up but she’s doing so in style.